Grooming services

Quick Services

dog grooming services dartmouth

Nails Clipped and/or Filed (£12)

Nails + Paws and Pads Tidied (£18)

Tick Removal (£5)

30 Minute Brush (£20)


Face Tidied (£10) 

Ear Plucking and/or Cleaning (£10)

 Hygiene Area Tidied (£10)

Face + Ears + Hygiene Combo (£27)


All Quick Services are included in a Full Groom

full grooms

Most of the tools and products we use are available to purchase from our shop, for home grooming

After a consultation and brief health check, nails are clipped or filed as required. Your dog will then be washed with one of our Hownd shampoos, and their coat is dried and brushed to ensure it is tangle free.

Clean & Tidy

Following their bath, their feet and hygiene areas are tidied and, if needed, ears are cleaned, eyes are cleared and fringe trimmed.

Large de-sheds will be charged an additional £5 for clean up time.

schnauzer dog grooming dartmouth

Styled Groom

Following their bath, they will be clipped and/or scissored into the agreed style. We are happy to offer advice, and welcome photos we can refer to.

Due to damage to our equipment, significant matting will incur a £18 fee.

dog grooming hand-strip dartmouth


Following their bath, they will be hand-stripped into the agreed style. We’re happy to offer advice on this and welcome photos we can refer to.

Hand-strips usually take twice as long to complete than Styled Grooms.

Additional Treatments can be added to all Full Grooms. 

Price Guide

We price a groom based on the time it takes one groomer to complete the service. The length of time a groom takes depends on your dog’s: Size, Behaviour, and their Coat Type, Condition and Style. The price list below includes likely examples of breeds in each time-category. Your dog may take more or less time, and you will be charged accordingly.

Price List June 2024