Frequently Asked Questions

How often should I bring my dog to the groomers?

A: This will depend on what services you use and your dog’s coat type. Most dogs come in every 6 to 8 weeks. However, some visit us fortnightly and others just 4 times a year. Once we meet your dog, we will be able to advise you.

How much does it cost to get my dog groomed?

A: The cost of a Full Groom depends on the time it takes to groom your dog. The minimum cost is £32 for up to an hour.

Can I bring my own shampoo for you to use on my dog?

A: Yes, as long it is made for dogs. Please bring it in it’s original packaging and if it’s a prescription shampoo, the prescription needs to be included and can only be used for the dog it has been prescribed for..

Can I stay with my dog while it is being groomed?

A: Yes. We are an open salon for our owners. Please be conscious of your dog’s needs. Some dogs relax better without their owner there.

Can I bring photos to show you what I like?

A: Yes – Definitely Yes! Whether it’s photos of previous grooms, or photos from the internet of similar dogs, it’s really helpful to see examples of what you like (and don’t like)

How old should my puppy be for their first groom?

A: While your puppy’s coat may not need and trimming or styling, we recommend visiting a salon as early as possible. This will help you dog normalise the experience of being washed, having their nails clipped, and having their teeth checked and cleaned. 

Can my dog be groomed if they are in season?

A: Yes, but with certain conditions satisfied (primarily who else is booked in at the same time). Please inform us before the appointment to ensure it’s ok to proceed.

Can my dog be groomed if they are pregnant?

A: Yes, but only if deemed necessary for their welfare. We will need to know the date mating occurred and we will work with you to ensure the best outcome.

Will you clear my dog’s anal glands?

A: No. To properly and safely express anal glands, they need internal manipulation, which is illegal for anyone but a vet to perform.