Puppy Package

puppy dog grooming

best start for your pup

It’s important to introduce your puppy to grooming as early as possible so that they get used to being handled by groomers, vets and other animal-welfare specialists. A positive experience when they’re young will give them a lifetime of confidence.

Puppy Packages start from £60 and include multiple visits, each designed to introduce you pup to different experiences in a safe and calm environment.

Puppy package sessions

Get 10% off in our shop when you purchase a Puppy Package

puppy dog grooming dartmouth

Intro session

This gives your puppy a chance to wander around the salon at their own pace. They will get to try out the bath and the table, all the while being encouraged and reassured that Toodles is a great place to spend time.

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A short session to introduce your puppy to having their nails clipped.

puppy dog grooming dartmouth uk


Your puppy will be introduced to the different grooming tools at a relaxed pace. The aim by the end of the session is to have your pup’s coat completely tangle free.

Ultra Sonic Teeth Cleaning

There are many times throughtout their life when you or your vet will need to check your dog's mouth. Introducing your puppy to teeth cleaning, ensures your puppy has the best dental health right from the start, and has a positive experience of oral examinations.

puppy bath grooming dartmouth

Bath Time

Your pup will be bathed with our Hownd Playful Pup shampoo. They will be introduced to the different drying techniques until they feel comfortable with the equipment that is suitable for their size and coat type. Paws, face and hygiene areas will be trimmed and neatened.

puppy grooming dartmouth

Styled Groom

Should your puppy's coat be already in need of a trim and tidy-up, this will be booked on the day following their bath. This session will introduce them to the sensations of a clippers and scissors and help them learn positive behaviours when being groomed.